Archive 23 sq m for rent in Milan

This archive to lease in Milan features 23 sq m (248 sq ft) in the basement.
Without heating, has low monthly fees.
The perfect archive for rent in Milan.


  • 23 sq m (248 sq ft)
  • basement
  • single space
  • without heating
  • cadastral category C/2

24/7/365 concierge, control cameras connected with private security, presence detectors, smoke detectors.


  • 4 km (2.5 mi) from Milan city center
  • 6 km (3.7 mi) from Central railway station
  • 300 m (328 yd) from C.A.M.M. exit of Milan East ring road
  • 2 km (1.2 mi) from Milan Linate city airport
  • 800 m (875 yd) from A.T.A. Milan private airport

Public transport:

  • Tram 27 stop at 100 m (109 yd) on Via Mecenate
  • Bus 88 stop in front of our entrance on Via Fantoli
  • Tube yellow line MM3 Rogoredo station is 3 stops away with Bus 88
  • Rogoredo is also a railway station (with departures of high speed trains from Milan to Reggio Emilia, Bologna, Firenze, Rome, Naples)
  • The new blue metro line 4 1km from us for a quick connection with the City Airport Linate and in 2023 with the center of Milan

Photos and floor plan

Request information

Phone: +39 02 506 0859

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